Dell is known all over the world as one of the leading firm in the field of computer technology. It was established in the year 1984 as a private firm and is now one of the biggest suppliers of world class PCs in the world.
Dell offers jobs to the people all over the world through its connected workplace, hiring individuals working in its offices and from home. It provides flexible jobs where an individual can work part-time, full –time or in compressed work weeks. Dell has earned the reputation of being very ethical organization and takes pride in being the greenest multinational company.
For many job positions, U.S. companies are still required to pay overtime wages to employees who work from home or out of the office. Telecommuters are often required to work more than 40 hours in a single workweek. Many times, an employee is required to “stand by” for assignments, must make phone calls or send e-mails after the official work day is over, or is required to travel to locations other than the main office or principal place of business. In many of these circumstances, the company must pay the higher rate of overtime pay which is one and half the determined hourly rate. This also applies to many employees who are paid a salary instead of an hourly wage.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage & Hour Division, covered nonexempt employees are entitled to be paid at least the federal minimum wage as well as overtime at one-half their regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek. Covered employees must be paid for all hours worked in a workweek.
We can determine whether you are eligible to file a Dell telecommuter overtime pay claim. Simply, contact our experienced overtime pay lawyers at (855) 754-2795 for a free consultation to discuss you case, or complete the Free Unpaid Overtime Case Review form on this page. We will discuss your situation and determine if you have a claim. We can help you recover your lost wages and unpaid overtime.