Search our Overtime Pay Laws state directory to find information and news about overtime laws and overtime unpaid wage laws in your state. These laws are often amended or updated by state statute.
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Who is the Best Overtime Pay Laws Lawyer?
Many states have their own separate and distinct overtime and minimum wage laws. In situations when both the FLSA and state law apply, the law setting the higher standards must be observed. This means that the employer is bound by the stricter of the two sets of laws when determining the overtime pays laws and minimum wage laws. Employers who violate these laws are subject to a lawsuit seeking the proper payment of overtime and wages.
If your employer failed to pay you the required overtime pay or minimum wage that is required in your state, you should contact our experienced overtime pay lawyers to discuss your legal rights. You may be able to pursue an unpaid overtime lawsuit to recover the wages owed to you by your employer. In many states, you can seek payment of back overtime pay for up to three years in the past and then continue to receive your proper wages in the future. Many courts will award you the attorney’s fees and costs as part of your lawsuit settlement.
Our experienced and qualified team of unpaid overtime lawyers will provide you with a Free Consultation on your claim. If we accept your overtime case, we will not charge any legal fees or costs unless we are successful in winning you a settlement. Call us today at (855) 754-2795 to discuss your case right now.
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