WASHINGTON D.C — Lunch break overtime pay is recent hot topic in the news. Many employers do not provide paid overtime for meals and this can be a violation of both federal and state overtime laws. In many circumstances, the failure to pay overtime wages for a lunch break can give rise to an unpaid overtime lawsuit.
Under federal law, employers are not required to provide rest breaks or meal breaks for employees regardless of the nature of the work performed or the duration of the shift. However, an employer who chooses to provide a break may have to pay wages for lunch periods or other breaks in excess of 20 minutes where the employee does not leave the worksite (or workstation and the employee works during lunch time. If an employer improperly reduces wages for a meal break when the employee is expected to perform work during that break it may also be unlawful.
State laws may differ and sometimes are more worker friendly with respect to labor and employment issues, including payment for nurse meal breaks.
The state in which you live in may in fact have laws in place that require employers to give nurses breaks and allow them to get paid for it. Speaking to an attorney who is knowledgeable on overtime laws is essential to you understanding if your employer is in violation of overtime laws.
If you or someone you know is a nurse and your employer is denying you a meal break after working a continuous five hours or fails to pay you wages for your lunch break, it is in your best interest to contact our top rated unpaid overtime attorneys to discuss your rights. Contrary to what your employer is telling you, you may in fact be entitled to paid meal breaks.
For more information about lunch break overtime pay and to learn your legal rights, call now at (855) 754-2795. Our lawyers have significant experience in handling such claims and will be able to determine whether or not you are able to file a claim. Best of all, we will represent you under our No Win, No Fee Promise. This means there are no legal fees or costs until we win or settle your claim. Call today for your Free, No Obligation Case Review!