Wisc. — A class action lawsuit filed by nurses in Wisconsin settled earlier this year for $ 3.5 million against a hospital. The lawsuit sought back overtime pay for 1,400 nurses who worked at the large hospital. The lawsuit claimed that the nurses were not paid for meal breaks when they were required to be in the hospital on call. The suit claimed four years of unpaid overtime wages.
Nurses are entitled to overtime pay for working more than 40 hours a week, but they are frequently denied or refused overtime pay by their employers. Many times a nurse is required to arrive early to work before “punching in” and stay after “punching out,” without being paid 1.5 times their hourly wage or salary. This is a violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Numerous class action lawsuits are being filed throughout the United States for these unpaid wages. This includes cases filed by registered nurses (RN) and licensed practical nurses (LPN) against hospitals, residential health care, assisted living and group homes. Claims for unpaid wages can be made dating back two years, and in some states even more, so it is essential to contact an overtime attorney immediately if you are being underpaid your wages or not receiving overtime pay. Call our experienced legal team today at (855) 754-2795 to find out if you have a case.